Friday, July 1, 2016

Your Quick Reference Guide to A Thriller A Day

Welcome to A Thriller A Day! While we've finished our 67-day marathon viewing and reviewing an episode of Thriller a day, we hope you'll come along for the ride after the fact and post your comments on the episodes as you make your way through the series. While you can access all of the entries in the Blog Archive in the sidebar, we thought it would be helpful to provide this index with links to each of the episode reviews, season and series wrap-ups, all of the interviews we conducted, and the image galleries posted.

Some key members of the A Thriller A Day Team met up in Hollywood in March, 2011 (L-R): Peter Enfantino, Steve Mitchell, Gary Gerani, John Scoleri, David J. Schow

A Thriller A Day Introduction

Season 1 Wrap Up
Season 2 Wrap Up

The Pro's Top Ten Lists
A Thriller A Day Awards

Season 1 Episode Reviews
  1. The Twisted Image
  2. Child's Play
  3. Worse Than Murder
  4. The Mark of the Hand
  5. Rose's Last Summer
  6. The Guilty Men
  7. The Purple Room
  8. The Watcher
  9. Girl with a Secret
  10. The Prediction
  11. The Fatal Impulse
  12. The Big Blackout
  13. Knock Three-One-Two
  14. Man in the Middle
  15. The Cheaters
  16. The Hungry Glass
  17. The Poisoner
  18. Man in the Cage
  19. Choose a Victim
  20. Hay-Fork and Bill-Hook
  21. The Merriweather File
  22. The Fingers of Fear
  23. Well of Doom
  24. The Ordeal of Dr. Cordell
  25. Trio for Terror
  26. Papa Benjamin
  27. Late Date
  28. Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper
  29. The Devil's Ticket
  30. Parasite Mansion
  31. A Good Imagination
  32. Mr. George
  33. Terror in Teakwood
  34. The Prisoner in the Mirror
  35. Dark Legacy
  36. Pigeons from Hell
  37. The Grim Reaper
Season 2 Episode Reviews
  1. What Beckoning Ghost?
  2. Guillotine
  3. The Premature Burial
  4. The Weird Tailor
  5. God Grant that She Lye Stille
  6. Masquerade
  7. The Last of the Sommervilles
  8. Letter to a Lover
  9. A Third for Pinochle
  10. The Closed Cabinet
  11. Dialogues with Death
  12. The Return of Andrew Bentley
  13. The Remarkable Mrs. Hawk
  14. Portrait Without a Face
  15. An Attractive Family
  16. Waxworks
  17. La Strega
  18. The Storm
  19. A Wig for Miss DeVore
  20. The Hollow Watcher
  21. Cousin Tundifer
  22. The Incredible Dr. Markesan
  23. Flowers of Evil
  24. Till Death Do Us Part
  25. The Bride Who Died Twice
  26. Kill My Love
  27. Man of Mystery
  28. The Innocent Bystanders
  29. The Lethal Ladies
  30. The Specialists
Image Galleries
And please be sure to bookmark our next blog, We Are Controlling Transmission, in which we turn our attention to The Outer Limits.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

We interrupt this program for a very special announcement

Just when you thought you had seen the last of our "TV show a day" blogs, this week co-host John Scoleri threw caution to the wind, and has embarked on a journey to watch and comment on every episode of Dark Shadows on the 50th anniversary of its original airdate.

And yes, that means starting at the very beginning, not 200+ episodes in when Barnabas arrives.

Right now the key question is can he do it? Remember, we're talking about 1225 episodes here. Five years. Well, perhaps you have the complete DVD collection in your library, and have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to crack those babies open. What better time, and what better way than to join in on the fun.

Check it out at Dark Shadows Before I Die!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program, Thriller-Dillers!